Registration Details

Welcome to the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) 2025 Registration

Conference Registration Rates

Registration Type

Early Bird (Before 2/27/25)

Regular (After 2/27/25)

IAFC Member - Full Conference



Nonmember - Full Conference



Federal Government Employee - Full Conference



Pre-Conference Session Only* 

* Note: This option does not include conference access, 3/27-3/29/25. Any pre con sessions that have an associated fee is the responsibility of the attendee


$0.00- $325.00

$0.00 - $325.00


Exhibitors are required to enter a promo code to register for their complimentary booth allotments. Need your code? Contact

Exhibitors are required to enter a promo code to register for their complimentary booth allotments. Need your code? Contact

Pre-Conference Sessions

اسم الجلسة زمن مزيد من المعلومات السعر # التسجيلات # Waitlisted
الثلاثاء، ٢٥ مارس ٢٠٢٥
Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices Short Course (2 Days - Tuesday & Wednesday) MUST ATTEND BOTH DAYS٨:٠٠ ص - ٤:٠٠ م٠٫٠٠ US$330
Assessing Structure Ignition Potential from Wildfire, NFPA Training - (2 Days - Tuesday and Wednesday) MUST ATTEND BOTH DAYS٩:٠٠ ص - ٥:٠٠ م٣٢٥٫٠٠ US$220
الأربعاء، ٢٦ مارس ٢٠٢٥
Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices Short Course (2 Days) MUST ATTEND BOTH DAYS٨:٠٠ ص - ٤:٠٠ م٠٫٠٠ US$330
Assessing Structure Ignition Potential from Wildfire, NFPA Training - (2 Days) MUST ATTEND BOTH DAYS٩:٠٠ ص - ٥:٠٠ م٠٫٠٠ US$220
Evacuation Management for the Fire Service ٩:٠٠ ص - ٥:٠٠ م٠٫٠٠ US$140
Wildland-Urban Interface Risk Assessment & Mitigation for the Fire Service (SFPE Foundation)٩:٠٠ ص - ٥:٠٠ م٠٫٠٠ US$250
الخميس، ٢٧ مارس ٢٠٢٥
Structure-to-Structure Fire Spread and Vulnerability Modeling; a Physics-Driven Approach to Resiliency and Insurability in the WUI٨:٠٠ ص - ١٢:٠٠ م٠٫٠٠ US$602
Wildland Fire Assessment Program (NVFC) ٨:٠٠ ص - ١٢:٠٠ م٠٫٠٠ US$602
What’s New in the WUI? An Update from the National Fire Protection Association ١:٠٠ م - ٢:٤٥ م٠٫٠٠ US$754

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Join the IAFC today. 

No matter your rank, department type or position in the fire and emergency service, the IAFC is here to serve you. Count on us to help you gain knowledge, build confidence and pave your path to successful leadership. Questions? Contact us! 

Cancellation/Substitution Policy:

All cancellations will be subject to a $75/person administrative fee. All cancellations must be sent in writing to the registration center via e-mail to by February 19, 2025. Telephone cancellations will not be accepted. After February 19, 2025, substitutions will be allowed in the event the registrant is unable to attend, but no refunds will be issued. Telephone substitutions will not be permitted.